House training a puppy

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  • House training a puppy

    My pit bull puppy is 12 weeks old and has learned his name, sit, stay, and come at his dinner bowl, but can’t seem to get potty training straight. Can you gives some tips on what might work? We do not scold accidents and use training tests and verbal praise when he goes outside wash time we take him out frequently.
    Thanks for any help

  • #2
    Hello Pblair and welcome! Some puppies take longer than others but it sounds like you are doing everything right. It may be time to try a different method such as crate training. The American Kennel Club put out an article some time ago to help with this exact problem. To read it click HERE. Best of luck and please let us know how things progress.


    • #3
      How do I get her 2 shit outside she will pids outside then come inside 2 do number 2


      • #4
        Persistence is key. Once the dog knows what you want it to do, it will only want to please you. The trick is making the dog understand what you want. If it poops in the house, pick it up and put it in your yard where you want it to poop. Take the dog out on a leash and bring the dog to that designated area, let it sniff around and see if it goes. If not, bring it directly back in the house and repeat the procedure 15-20 minutes later. When the dog finally does poop in the designated area, make a big deal about it and verbally praise it a treat.

        Keep this procedure up and eventually the dog will not only poop outside but will go to the spot you want it to. If the dog doesn't go when you bring it out, do not let it play or run around, teach it to go when you take it out. If possible, use a different door to take it out to do its business and a separate door for play or walks. This will help enforce it is time to do its business and not time to play. This will make things a lot easier on you when the weather is not nice. Just keep at it and don't lose your patience. Best of luck.

