Archie for adoption

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  • Archie for adoption

    Hello, I have a bluenose pit-bull (his name is Archie and he's almost 2 yo) that was a family member's dog and left him with me however, because of my work schedule and having to travel more, I'm rarely at home and have to leave him with others, which I feel bad leaving him alone and I would like to give him a better place and life. I'm giving him for adoption and not asking for any money, just for him to have a better life. Feel free to reach out to me if you're interested on him or have any questions.

  • #2
    Sorry to hear that you have to rehome Archie, he looks like a great dog. Fingers crossed he finds a good home.


    • vdgonzalez
      vdgonzalez commented
      Editing a comment
      Thank you for your kind words and yes, crossing fingers to find him a good home.