White Pitbull The white pitbull has become one of the most coveted pitbull colors, and when you pair this beautiful coat shade with a loving pitbull personality, you have a winning combination. However, since a white pitbull is so much more than just the coat color, you will need to be aware of everything you can concerning this dog prior to you begin your search for him or her. While you may be eager to find that perfect white pitbull to adopt, the truth is that white isn't the ideal color for all pitbulls. So, what do you need to know about white pitbulls before you begin your search?

The American Temperament Society defines white pitbulls as "a breed of dog with extreme skin tone and distinctive white or gray markings on its body. They are often thought to be a descendant of the Albinism gene pool involving the white-bellied variety and the chocolate albino." While the breed standard does not specifically state the white pitbull's temperament, it is worth noting that the temperament of this dog should be desirable even with the white markings, since any white pitbull should be a delight to take home and interact with.

White pits are stocky, large dogs with muscular builds. They were originally bred to be strong and brave fighters, though the white coat does make them unique and intriguing additions to any dog family. White pitbulls are larger than their colored counterparts but don't have nearly the double chin, shortish mane, or tail that gives the other colored pitbulls their abnormality.

Because white pit bulls were bred to fight, their coats tend to be darker than the other pitbulls' breeds. Typically, white pitbulls will have dark fur with white-tipped hair. Their ears will be rounded, and their eyes may be blue or brown. These characteristics make them distinctive yet beautiful additions to any household.

White Pitbull Not all white pitbulls are purebred; many are mixed breeds. When a white pitbull mixes a true white pitbull with an English bulldog, or vice versa, the result is often referred to as a white pitbull mix. Although the temperament is often the same, pit Bulls can come in a wide array of colors. Most commonly, white pitbulls are black, though some have been found with brown or red fur. Many white pitbulls do not have black fur because the black coloration highlights the white markings on the skin.

Because white pitbulls were purposely bred for the sport of fighting, they are prone to common health problems. These include heartworm disease and hypothyroidism. Heartworm disease occurs when the dog's blood becomes infected with a parasite called hookworms. The symptoms of this disease include weight loss and anemia, poor digestion, coughing, and swollen ankles and legs.

Hypothyroidism can affect the white pitbull dog even when it is hypothyroid in its natural environment. Because of this, the dog may become overweight or suffer from fatigue. Another problem common to the white pitbulls is separation anxiety, which occurs when a dog becomes uneasy when it is left alone. This can cause the dog to develop destructive behaviors such as scratching doors and furniture, digging at carpets and doors, and tearing down curtains in the house.

The American Temperament Society has issued a list of criteria for breeders of pit bulls. This is the same list that the White House Council on Pets uses when deciding if a particular breeder is reputable or not. Pit Bulls that passes this test are those that are purebred and have been tested for possible health problems. While most white pitbulls are healthy, there are always potential health risks, so it is always a good idea to do a background check on any prospective puppy. With proper care and a responsible owner, the pitbulls can have a great life.